Zoek trefwoord in webcontent

A web publication platform for an ArchiMate model

Web based enterprise architect repository for publishing an architecture on the web

Aanpassing Deduplicator in IDEA AddOn

IDEA AddOn aanpassing voor dedupliceren

About the WPP

Introduction to the WPP

AddOn Functionality for HTML reporting

AddOn functionality for HTML reporting

ArchiMAID a different approach for the toolbox and the project browser

Extension of the IDEA addon for deduplication with an ArchiMAID process support screen

Article about the WPP on the community site of EA

Article about the WPP in the Sparx community

Baseline and Target modeling based on the IDEA AddOn

Webvideo about baseline and target modeling

Clickable diagrams

Clickable diagrams for a better user experience

Code generator voor SQL statements

Beschrijving van code templates binnen EA

Download IDEA

Description of the download links for IDEA in 32 and 64 bits

Download WPP

WPP introduction in english

Een web publicatie platform voor Sparx Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect webviewer op basis van Form Factory CMS

Enterprise Architect as tool for a Data Platform

Many organisations are investigating the possibilities of Big Data solutions, for example the Dutch and German Electricity Transport System Operator TenneT. Introducing Big Data is new and traditional approaches are of limited use. Think about introducing data-lab functionalities, innovative and agile approaches, new technologies like NoSql or Hadoop. How are you going to support these activities in an organisation as an architect and how can Enterprise Architect support you in adding architectural value. In this session we will discuss a reference architecture for the TenneT Data Platforms, modelling techniques, architectural patterns and agile approaches all supported by the use of Enterprise Architect. You will see examples of big data patterns, solutions and templates based on ArchiMate.

Extra functionalities of the Web Publication Platform

New functionalities of the Web Publication Platform

Het metamodel van ArchiMate uitbreiden in Enterprise Architect

Het metamodel van ArchiMate uitbreiden in Enterprise Architect

IDEA and WPP service offering

Services around the AddOns for Sparx Enterprise Architect


IDEA Homepage

Installation and configuration of the WPP

Installation instruction for the WPP on a development machine for evaluation or in an IIS configuration

Integrated Data Entity Architecture (IDEA)

Introductie IDEA

Matrix reloaded

Matrix notatie ten behoeve van architectuur modelleringen

Matrix view in WPP

Matrix functionality added

New functionalities for the WPP

New version of the Web Publication Platform

New release: Web Publication Platform 2.0

Release of the WPP

Package generator in IDEA

Package generator voor IDEA

Puretext bij plakken van notes

Puretext als hulpmiddel bij kopieren en plakken

Simulatie en canonieke data modellering

Voorbeeld van simulatie op basis van een canoniek model

The philisophy of Open Source

Philosophy of Open Source

Twee helpers voor ArchiMate modelleurs in de IDEA Add-On

Helpers voor afgeleide relaties en nesting in ArchiMate en Sparx Enterprise Architect

Twee nieuwe webvideos over IDEA

Beschrijving van de stand van zaken rond IDEA en een link naar de twee nieuwe webvideos

Videokanaal Online training IDEA AddOn voor Sparx

IDEA Online training voor de Open Source AddOn voor data en architectuur modelleren

Videokanaal Online training WPP AddOn voor Sparx

Videokanaal voor het WPP van Sparx Enterprise Architect

Web Publicatie Platform voor EA

WPP voor EA

Web Publicatie Platform voor EA

Introductie WPP

Welcome to the Interactory publications

Welcome page

Welkom bij de Interactory publicaties

Welkom pagina

What is IDEA

Startpage for conceptual modeling

WPP Version December 2023 extensions

New version of the WPP with a breadcrumb and a questionnaire module