Web Publication Platform

Web Publication Platform for Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect web publication platform to easily access the content of a repository. Based on an Open Source Software viewer with a Form Factory CMS

Sparx Enterprise Architect itself has a static HTML generator with limited options. Reason for searching for a simple elaboration based on the FormFactory CMS in combination with the eap files from Enterprise Architect. The eap files appear to be based on MS Access files and the repository is stored in a number of relational tables. A number of pdf files can be found on the internet that describe the relational model.

Modules WPP

Modulen and screens of the WPP

Ga to the download page of the WPP or a live example project

Web Publication Platform Community

Open Source Software

The Web Publication Platform is an open source initiative (under EUPL license). This means that you can download the components and software and use it without any license costs. The community is requesting for functionalities and these will be implemented by us in a future version.

The community is therefore essential for us. There is already a small group of organisations actively participating in this community. When you want to become an active member of the WPP community or want to request functionalities please do not hesitate to contact us.



More information, like configuration instructions can be found at the installation page.

When you want support in configuring the WPP or host your WPP implemenation in our hosting environment, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Screen examples

Opmaak WPP

Attractive layout based on bootstrap, making it useful for mobile, tablet and desktop

Startpages WPP

Home pages for different user groups based on a modern layout

Explorer screen

Navigation options based on an explorer screen with simple search options in the repository

Matrix view

Easy-to-use matrix view of the repository content, use of selecting two packages and choosing the entities within them


Multiple search screens to search the relevant elements in a repository.

'Detail screens

Detail screens for packages, diagrams and elements, with a visual representation, the description of the entity and links to related elements.

WPP Course on TutorialsPoint

E-learning for the Web Publication Platform

An e-learning about the usage and configuration of the Web Publication Platform. The WPP is subject of this presentation. A video recording is created for every relevant functionality of the WPP.

Please watch E-learning here!!


Overview WPP Content

Aanpassing Deduplicator in IDEA AddOn

IDEA AddOn aanpassing voor dedupliceren

AddOn Functionality for HTML reporting

AddOn functionality for HTML reporting

ArchiMAID a different approach for the toolbox and the project browser

Extension of the IDEA addon for deduplication with an ArchiMAID process support screen

Baseline and Target modeling based on the IDEA AddOn

Webvideo about baseline and target modeling

Code generator voor SQL statements

Beschrijving van code templates binnen EA

Data Mapping form in EA

Webvideo on data mappings in Sparx Enterprise Architect

Download IDEA

Description of the download links for IDEA in 32 and 64 bits

Dynamic Documents een handige feature vanaf EA 13

Dynamische documenten een nieuwe feature in EA

Het metamodel van ArchiMate uitbreiden in Enterprise Architect

Het metamodel van ArchiMate uitbreiden in Enterprise Architect

IDEA and WPP service offering

Services around the AddOns for Sparx Enterprise Architect

IDEA een prototype voor data modellering in EA

IDEA prototype voor geintegreerde data modellering


IDEA Homepage

Integrated Data Entity Architecture (IDEA)

Introductie IDEA

Introductie IDEA releasemanager

Releasemanager in de IDEA AddOn

Package generator in IDEA

Package generator voor IDEA

Puretext bij plakken van notes

Puretext als hulpmiddel bij kopieren en plakken

Services for the Interactory AddOns

Extra services offered by our consultants for the WPP and IDEA AddOns

Simulatie en canonieke data modellering

Voorbeeld van simulatie op basis van een canoniek model

The philisophy of Open Source

Philosophy of Open Source

Twee helpers voor ArchiMate modelleurs in de IDEA Add-On

Helpers voor afgeleide relaties en nesting in ArchiMate en Sparx Enterprise Architect

Twee nieuwe webvideos over IDEA

Beschrijving van de stand van zaken rond IDEA en een link naar de twee nieuwe webvideos

Videokanaal Online training IDEA AddOn voor Sparx

IDEA Online training voor de Open Source AddOn voor data en architectuur modelleren

Webvideo about Data Management register at EA Global Summit

Webvideo about the Data Management Register in Sparx Enterprise Architect

Welcome to the Interactory publications

Welcome page

Welkom bij de Interactory publicaties

Welkom pagina

What is IDEA

Startpage for conceptual modeling