Integrated Data Entity Architecture

IDEA is a number of tools for modeling Data Architecture in Sparx Enterprise Architect. IDEA stands for Integrated Data Entity Architecture and offers an integration of conceptual, logical and physical architecture. In addition to viewpoints and scripts and automation, there is an example development of a data catalog.

What is special about the IDEA AddOn is that it is an Open Source product. On the other hand, it is the community that determines the functionality. The community meets periodically to exchange ideas about functionalities and a backlog is compiled based on this.

Modules IDEA

AddOns, Publication Platform and samples

Go to the download page of an IDEA example project

IDEA Training op TutorialsPoint

E-learning for the IDEA AddOn

An e-learning for using and configuring the IDEA AddOn for Sparx Enterprise Architect. A webvideo is recorded for every functionality in IDEA.

Please watch E-learning here!!

Webvideo's over IDEA

IDEA Videos recorded at the EA Global Summit 2020, 2021 and 2022


Screen samples

Mapper screen in IDEA

Generate mappings in a form with grids based on your diagram content

Refactoring screen

Refactoring of attributes in a datamodel based on propagation of attributes

Deduplicator screen

Deduplication of screens based on the name, stereotype and version number

'Release manager

Aid for release management in a DTAP configuration of models.

'Web Publication Platform

Web based environment for an IDEA repository for non modelers and other stakeholders.

IDEA Community

Open Source Software

The IDEA AddOn is an open source initiative (under EUPL license). This means that you can download the components and software and use it without any license costs. The community is requesting for functionalities and these will be implemented by us in a future version.

The community is therefore essential for us. There is already a small group of organisations actively participating in this community. When you want to become an active member of the IDEA community or want to request functionalities please do not hesitate to contact us.


Overview IDEA Content

Aanpassing Deduplicator in IDEA AddOn

IDEA AddOn aanpassing voor dedupliceren

AddOn Functionality for HTML reporting

AddOn functionality for HTML reporting

ArchiMAID a different approach for the toolbox and the project browser

Extension of the IDEA addon for deduplication with an ArchiMAID process support screen

Baseline and Target modeling based on the IDEA AddOn

Webvideo about baseline and target modeling

Code generator voor SQL statements

Beschrijving van code templates binnen EA

Data Mapping form in EA

Webvideo on data mappings in Sparx Enterprise Architect

Download IDEA

Description of the download links for IDEA in 32 and 64 bits

Dynamic Documents een handige feature vanaf EA 13

Dynamische documenten een nieuwe feature in EA

Het metamodel van ArchiMate uitbreiden in Enterprise Architect

Het metamodel van ArchiMate uitbreiden in Enterprise Architect

IDEA and WPP service offering

Services around the AddOns for Sparx Enterprise Architect

IDEA een prototype voor data modellering in EA

IDEA prototype voor geintegreerde data modellering


IDEA Homepage

Integrated Data Entity Architecture (IDEA)

Introductie IDEA

Introductie IDEA releasemanager

Releasemanager in de IDEA AddOn

Package generator in IDEA

Package generator voor IDEA

Puretext bij plakken van notes

Puretext als hulpmiddel bij kopieren en plakken

Services for the Interactory AddOns

Extra services offered by our consultants for the WPP and IDEA AddOns

Simulatie en canonieke data modellering

Voorbeeld van simulatie op basis van een canoniek model

The philisophy of Open Source

Philosophy of Open Source

Twee helpers voor ArchiMate modelleurs in de IDEA Add-On

Helpers voor afgeleide relaties en nesting in ArchiMate en Sparx Enterprise Architect

Twee nieuwe webvideos over IDEA

Beschrijving van de stand van zaken rond IDEA en een link naar de twee nieuwe webvideos

Videokanaal Online training IDEA AddOn voor Sparx

IDEA Online training voor de Open Source AddOn voor data en architectuur modelleren

Webvideo about Data Management register at EA Global Summit

Webvideo about the Data Management Register in Sparx Enterprise Architect

Welcome to the Interactory publications

Welcome page

Welkom bij de Interactory publicaties

Welkom pagina

What is IDEA

Startpage for conceptual modeling