Zoek trefwoord in webcontent

A web publication platform for an ArchiMate model

Web based enterprise architect repository for publishing an architecture on the web

About the WPP

Introduction to the WPP

Article about the WPP on the community site of EA

Article about the WPP in the Sparx community

Big Data Architecture Framework

Overview of the Big Data guide as an example of the WPP functionality

Clickable diagrams

Clickable diagrams for a better user experience

Download WPP

WPP introduction in english

Een web publicatie platform voor Sparx Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect webviewer op basis van Form Factory CMS

Extra functionalities of the Web Publication Platform

New functionalities of the Web Publication Platform

Installation and configuration of the WPP

Installation instruction for the WPP on a development machine for evaluation or in an IIS configuration

Matrix reloaded

Matrix notatie ten behoeve van architectuur modelleringen

Matrix view in WPP

Matrix functionality added

New functionalities for the WPP

New version of the Web Publication Platform

New release: Web Publication Platform 2.0

Release of the WPP

Videokanaal Online training WPP AddOn voor Sparx

Videokanaal voor het WPP van Sparx Enterprise Architect

Web Publicatie Platform voor EA

Introductie WPP

Web Publicatie Platform voor EA

WPP voor EA

Welcome to the Interactory publications

Welcome page

Welkom bij de Interactory publicaties

Welkom pagina

WPP Version December 2023 extensions

New version of the WPP with a breadcrumb and a questionnaire module