
General understanding of a person or organization within or outside the modeling domain that influences the data, for example in the role of user, steward or owner.

Package Conceptual model viewpoints
Auteur Bert Dingemans
Stereotypes Stakeholder


Primary data ownership viewpoint

This viewpoint describes which concepts are used for modeling data ownership. Data ownership and stewardship are important aspects of after-management. In the viewpoint, use is made of four ArchiMate concepts, three on the business layer and one on the application layer. It is important that for the ownership a number of associations have been extended on the basis of a RACI classification. These can be displayed in a RACI matrix.

Primary data usage viewpoint

This viewpoint indicates which business and data objects are used by which users and perhaps even more importantly in which way. This is done by giving the associations between the user and the data objects a CRUD score. This can of course also be displayed in a matrix view

Secundary data usage viewpoint

This secondary viewpoint describes which data and business objects are used within which processes and functions. This can easily be extended with, for example, the application where the data is used. However, this will usually not be within the scope of a data architect and should be cooperated with other architecture disciplines.

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