Introductie Introduction to databases
More and more organizations see data as a valuable production tool. Data must therefore be stored and processed adequately. Databases are therefore important automated tools that allow organizations to achieve optimal results in converting data into information.
Databases have become indispensable in organizations and they are important tools for managing data efficiently. In this course you will get to work practically. Based on a simple case, you will set up a database, manipulate data and unlock data so that users can use the data in their daily work. at
Forms of data storage are an important topic. Data has structure and every data structure has characteristics that meet different needs of organizations. In the course you will learn to recognize and design the different forms of data structures. This includes data models for administrative applications and for business intelligence and knowledge workers.
NoSQL is a concept that focuses on new forms of storage that better suit modern applications such as Big Data, Internet Of Things, Data lakes and distributed data. In the course you will learn about the different NoSQL forms and you will work with them in a practical way